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1. Server Problems - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
am i the only one that remembers certain mmo's crashing and taking over 4 days to "restart" it will come back online when its resolved...till then grab a beer, watch some youtube and relax
- by stock holder - at 2007.07.18 07:01:00
2. I Say NO to EVE voice, Why should we have to pay MORE MONEY! - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Edited by: stock holder on 23/03/2007 09:40:28 unless vivox and ccp add some major new groundbreaking feature with this ingame voice, it's never gona take off to the extent some of you are thinking, even if they make it free. I have personall...
- by stock holder - at 2007.03.23 09:43:00
3. Words from the GM Team, part 2. ISK Purchasing and You! - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
lol i wish ccp would just admit that they are considering to follow sony online entertainments role in the station exchanges in eq2
- by stock holder - at 2007.02.28 07:48:00
4. insurance rates? - in EVE New Citizens Q&A [original thread]
Hello I'm curious if there is a tool or website that can give me the insurance costs of all tech 1 ships ingame prior to actually purchasing the ship? Or is there a calculation that I should refer too. Thankyou in advance for any info
- by stock holder - at 2006.12.10 08:47:00
5. Autopilot not warping to 0km? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
it was people like you that complained enough to get this warp to 0, it was people like you that complained enough to take the tactical advantages of bookmarks out of the game, yet you want to dumb down eve even more by allowing autopilot to 0? Gr...
- by stock holder - at 2006.11.29 10:05:00
6. EGSE question - in Market Discussions [original thread]
Hello, I was wondering what the average turnaround is for a broker to finish a sell order? Reason I'm asking is because I've now had a pending transaction since November 9, 2006, 6:51 am, my shares have been transferred to the proper broker but I ...
- by stock holder - at 2006.11.11 21:31:00
7. [recruitment] Ascending Dawn is hiring pilots for all roles - in Alliance and Corporation Recruitment Center [original thread]
Edited by: stock holder on 05/11/2006 01:33:29
- by stock holder - at 2006.11.05 01:33:00
8. Heard prayers: Kali new char creation screenshots - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Originally by: Perrault Ill drop my account that I just bought a week ago if they do this. I don't support companies who give their players the shaft. but yet you buy an account?
- by stock holder - at 2006.11.04 02:46:00
9. eve radio and dumb dj s - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Eve Radio are hacks anyway, if you want to see a truely dedicated team of shoutcast radio hosts..take a look at TSN, or the Tribes SHOUTcast Network, which later became known as the Team Sportscast Network. Back in there hayday when that game actu...
- by stock holder - at 2006.11.03 05:08:00
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